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Residence Permit

What is a Student Residence Permit?

The residence permit is a legal documentation that allows you to stay in Turkey as a foreigner. You must apply for your residence permit before your visa or legal duration to stay in Turkey expires. The International Admission Office is happy to guide you in applying for a residence permit card; please note that it is your responsibility to follow up and meet/monitor these deadlines of the processes.
With this card, you can enter/exit Turkey without a visa, benefit from public transportation student discount cards, open a bank account, rent an apartment, pay your utilities, register your phone and Turkish sim card, etc.

Important Notice for Student Residence Permit

To apply for a residence permit, you need to be present in Turkey while the Migration Office processes your application.

If it is first time application for a residence permit card:

  • If you come to Turkey without a visa, you cannot stay in Turkey without a residence permit for more than 90 days. If you do, you will be asked to leave Turkey and make a penalty payment at the border depending on your stay in Turkey without a residence permit, and you cannot come back for another 90 days. You need to apply for a residence permit after you arrive in Turkey.
  • If you come to Turkey with a visa, you cannot stay in Turkey without a residence permit for more than the allowed time for your visa, 30,60,90 days. If you do, you will be asked to leave Turkey and make a penalty payment at the border depending on your stay in Turkey without a residence permit, and you will need to get a new visa to come to Turkey again. 

If you are applying for an extension of your residence permit card, you should start applying for an extension 60 days before your card expires.

You should always check and be aware of your residence permit card expiration date. It is very important to apply before the expiration date of your card. Otherwise, you will be asked to leave Turkey, make a penalty payment at the border depending on your stay in Turkey without a residence permit, and cannot enter back for another 90 days.

Please note that residence permit cards arrive in 1,5 months up to 3 months after they are submitted to the Migration Office. The International Office submits the documents once a week by an appointment which is given/dated by the Migration Office. 

Residence Permit Application Process

  • First Step: You should contact the International Office first; we will be guiding you with the necessary health insurance and the residence permit application form. Then follow the information below:
  • Second Step: Student will go to the immigration Office to give the fingerprint. 
  • Third Step: To collect the documents you must submit for a residence permit, please follow the steps that the Int. Office guides you via emails. 

If you are going to graduate from your program, you need to apply for a short-term residence permit card on the date the university announces your graduation date. You can contact International Office for more information about SHORT-TERM RESIDENCE PERMIT APPLICATION.


Özyegin University (ÖzÜ) aims to be a globally recognized research university with accredited programs. Its strategic plan is based on the principle that internationalization improves teaching, research, social impact, and student experience.

İletişim Bilgileri

International Office