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Application Criteria

Country Diploma-Certificate-Exam Minimum Score Required (Taken courses or exam subjects need to be related to the program chosen by the applicant)
Turkey Turkish High School Diploma %70
International SAT Reasoning Min 600 out of 800 in Math,1000 out of 1600 in total for both sections ( Math and
Critical Reading)
SAT II Math 800 üzerinden 600 math.
General High School Diploma %70
ACT (American College Testing) Min. 23 out of 36 points
GCE ( General Certificate Education) A level (Advanced Level): at least 2 courses with minimum D grades in related
IB (International Baccalaurate) 28 diploma grade out of 45
Advanced Placement A minimum score of 3.5 out of 5 out of minimum two subjects  
International High School Graduation %70 Diploma grade
European Baccalaureate %70 Diploma grade
International Science Olympics Recipient of bronze medal in International Science Olimpiads recognized or
participated by TUBITAK
Attestat %70 Diploma grade
French Baccalaureate (Baccalauréat Général) 11 diploma grade out of 20
Batı Avrupa Açık Öğretim Lisesi (West European High School Program) %70 Diploma grade
Afghanistan National University Entrance Exam of Afghanistan (Concours- KONKURS) 245 out of 350
12 Grade Graduation Certificate/ Baccalauria (Doreyeh Aali) %70 Diploma grade
Albania Diploma e Pjekurise (Secondary School Leaving Certificate/Certificate of Maturity) Minimum 6 from each course out of 10 in
the exam component related to chosen program
Algeria Baccalauréat Generel/Baccalauréat de l'Enseignement Secondaire (Diploma Of
Baccalaureate of Secondary Education)
11 diploma grade out of 20
Angola Diploma de Ensino Pre Universitario / Carta do Curso Complementar
Liceus/Habilitacoes Literarias
14 diploma grade out of 20
Andorra Baccalaureat de l'Enseignement Secondaire/Bachillerato Superior General 11 diploma grade out of 20
Argentina Titulo de Bachiller 6 out of 10
Armenia Atestat Mijnakard Yndhanur Krtutyan/Attestat o Srednem Obrazovanji(Certificate
of Secondary General Education)
12 out of 20 / 6 out of 10
Australia 12thGrade Secondary School Graduation Certiticate(Australian Capital Territory/ ACT Year 12 Certificate-New South Wales: Higher School Certificate/ HSC and Record of Achievement-Northern Territory Certificate of Education/ NTCE and Record of Achievement-Queensland: Senior Certificate-South Australian Certificate of Education/SACE and Record of Achievemen-Victorian Certificate of Education/VCE and Statement of Results %70 Diploma grade (C)
Austria Maturazeugnis/Matura/Reifeprufungszeugnis /Abschlusszeugnis from a Fachschule
(with at least 4 years of full time study)
3.5 out of 5
Azerbaijan Atestat 3.5 out of 5
Azerbaijan National Test (TQDK) At least 400 out of 700 from the related section.* Section I For Engineering Faculty/Section II For Economics and Administrative Sciences- Social Sciences/
Section III For Law Faculty
Atestat ( Secondary School Graduation Certificate) 3.5 out of 5
Bahrain Tawjihiyya %70 Diploma grade

Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSC) ve HigherSecondary School Certificate (HSSC)

%70 Diploma grade
Belarus Atestat ( Secondary School Graduation Certificate) 6 out of 10
Belorussian Central Testing Results At least 3 subjects, 70 out of 100 from each
Belgium Diploma Van Hoger Secundair Onderwijs %70 Diploma grade
Benin Baccalaureat 11 diploma grade out of 20
Bolivia Bachillerato Humanistico 5 ouf of 7
Bhutan Indian School Certificate Exam (monitored by India ) OR Bhutan Higher School
Certificate Exams
%70 Diploma grade
Bosnia and
Matura (Svjedozba o maturi) 3.5 ouf of 5
Botswana Botswana General Certificate of Secondary Education Minimum C Grade from 4 subjects
Cambridge Overseas Higher School Certificate - A level A level (Advanced Level): at least two
courses with minimum D grades in related field
Brazil Certificado de Ensino Médio %70 diploma grade
Bulgaria Diploma za Sredno Obrazovanie- Vocational and academic stream ( Senior High
School Graduation) /Matura
%70 Diploma grade OR4 ouf of 6
Burkina Faso Baccalaureat/Diplome de Bachelier de l'Enseigniment du Second
Degre/Baccalaureat Technique/Diplome de Bachiller de Technicien
11 diploma grade out of 20
Burundi Burundi Diplôme des Humanites Complètes Relevé de notes/Diplôme ďEtat (State
%70 Diploma grade
Burma General Certificate of Secondary Education %70 Diploma grade

Indian School Certificate Exam (monitored by India ) OR

Bhutan Higher School Certificate Exams

%70 Diploma grade
Canada Canada Provincial 12th Grade High School Graduation Diploma %70 Diploma grade
Quebec 11th grade high school graduation and at least two years ofpre-university
%70 Diploma grade
Cameroon Baccalauréat de l'Enseignement Secondaire
General Certificate of Education, Advanced Level
11 diploma grade out of 20
2 A levels with min. D grade
Cambodia Baccalauréat de l'Enseignement Secondaire 10 diploma grade out of 20
Central African
Baccalaureat de l'Enseignement Secondaire 11 diploma grade out of 20
Chad Baccalaureat de l'Enseignement Supérieur (Baccalaureat de l'Enseignement
11 diploma grade out of 20
China Gaokoa 450 out of 700
Secondary School Graduation Certificate %70 Diploma grade
Chile Licencia de Educación Media 5 out of 7
Congo Baccalaureat de l'Enseignement Secondaire 11 diploma grade out of 20

Excamen de Estato/Saber 11º, Bachiller Académico, Decreto 1290

A maximum Puesto score of 300 out of 1000 (highest grade being 1), a minimum Puntaje score of 70 out of 100 or A minimum average of 80% diploma score* or a minimum Desempeno Alto (Very good) pass or A minimum level of Desempeno Alto (very good)
Croatia Svjedodzba o Zrelosti (Certificate of Maturity) 3.5 out of 5
Cuba Título de Bachiller Certificado de Fin de Estudios Secundarias %70 Diploma grade
Czech Republic Vysvedceni o maturitni zkousce taken after Vysvedceni o maturitní zkousce exam
(Maturita from gymnazium)
3.5 out of 5
Democratic Republic of Congo Examen d'Etat (State Examination) and Diplôme d'Etat d'Etudes Secondaires du Cycle Long %70 Diploma grade
Denmark Studentereksamenbevis (STX)/
Bevis for Højere
7 out of 13
Secondary Level National Examinations (Pruebas Nacionales del Nivel Medio) A minimum average of 70% exam score* Bachillerato or Titulo de Bachiller %70 Diploma grade
Djibouti Baccalaureat de l'Enseignement Secondaire 11 diploma grade out of 20
Equator Bachillerato Título de Bachiller en Arte Ciencias
Bachillerato Título de Bachiller
8 out of 10

General Secondary School Certificate (Al-Shahada-Al Thanawiyya-Al-Amma)

%70 Diploma grade
Ethiopia Ethiopian Higher Education Entrance Examination %70 Diploma grade

Eritrean Secondary Education Certificate

%70 Diploma grade
Estonia Gümnaasiumi Lõputunnistus 3.5 out of 5

Eswatini General Certificate of Secondary Education (EGCSE) veya Swaziland General Certificate of Secondary Education (SGCSE)

4 subjects with min. C grade

Ylioppilastutkintotodistus/Studenteksamenbevis/Studenteksamenbet yg (Certificate of the Matriculation Examination)

4 out of 7

Gabon Baccalauréat Relevé de notes

12 out of 20
Gambia West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) D in min. 6exam subjects related to chosen

Sashualo Skolis Atestati/ Attestat o Srednem Obrazovanii or Unified National Examination 

6 out of 10
Germany Abitur * Zeugnis Der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife (Certificate of General
Qualification for Higher Education)
4 out of 5
Zeugnis der Fachhochschulreife (Fachabitur)
Greece Apolitírio Enaíou Lykeíou 14 out of 20
Ghana West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) D in min. 6exam subjects related to chosen
Guinea-Bissau Segundo Ano De Curso Complementar 11 diploma grade out of 20
Guinea Baccalaureat 11 diploma grade out of 20
Guatemala Diploma de Bachiller en Ciencias y Letras %70 Diploma grade

GCE (General Certificate Education) A Levels

2A levels with D grade

Baccalauréat veya Diplome D'Etudes Secondaries

%70 Diploma grade
Honduras Bachillerato Titulo de Bachiller en Ciencias y Letras 6 out of 10 or %70 Diploma grade
Hong Kong Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE) + Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination (HKALE) Min. B in 3 subjects or C in 6 subjects, with compulsory Math. and English subjects
Hungary Erettsegi Bizonyitvany (Maturity Certificate) 3.5 out of 5
Iceland Stúdentspróf 6 out of 10
India All India Senior School Certificate (AISSC) / ll India Senior School Certificate / Central Board of Secondary Education, 12th Grade / Higher Secondary Certificate (arts or science) after Standard XII (12th Grade) OR Indian School Certificate Intermediate Certificate / Pre-Degree Certificate %70 Diploma grade
Indonesia UAN (Ujian Akhir Nasional)
Ujian Nasional ve Ijazah - Sekolah Menengah Atas/Madrasah Aliyah (SMA/MA) (Certificate of Graduation from Academic/Islamic Secondary School)
Pre-Professional Certificate (Pre-Dental, Pre-Engineering, Pre-Agriculture )
Pre-University Certificate earned after Standard XII (12th grade)
%70 Diploma grade
Iraq General Secondary Education Exam (El Aledadiyah) or High School Leaving Certificate or Secondary School Certificate %70 Diploma grade
Iran Diplome Debirestan ve Pişdaneşgahi 14 out of 20


6 out of 10
Ireland Honours Leaving Certificate / Leaving Certificate / Matriculation Certificate %70 Diploma grade
Israel Te'udat Bagrut 7 out of 10 or 70 out of 100
Ivory Coast


11 out of 20
Italy Esame di Stato conclusivo dei corsi di studio di istruzione secondaria superior
Maturita (Maturity Certificate) from a LICEO CLASSICO (classical lyceum)/ a LICEO
SCIENTIFICO (scientific lyceum)
%70 Diploma grade
Japan Kotogakko Sotsugyon Shomeishe (Upper Secondary School LeavingCertificate) 3 out of 5
Jordan Tawjihi
General Certificate of Secondary Education
Tawjihi %70
High School Diploma ve The General Secondary Education Certificate Examination  %70
Kazakhstan Kazakhstan National University Test 100 out of 140
Attestat o Srednem Obrazovanji (Certificate of General Secondary Education) 3 out of 5
Kenya East African Certificate of Education / Kenya Certificate of Education (KCE) / Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) / East African School Certificate / Cambridge General Certificate of Education/ Cambridge School Certificate At least C in 4 subject component related to chosen program
Kirghizstan Attestat o Srednem Obrazovanji (Certificate of General Secondary Education) Kyrgyzstan National Scholarship Test 3.5 out of 5
175 out of 250
Kuwait Shahadat-al-thanawia-al-a'ama %70 Diploma grade
Kosova Diplome per kryerjen e shkolles se mesme te pergjithshme – gjimnazin/ 3.5 out of 5
Diplome per kryerjen e shkolles se mesme te larte – gjimnazin
Latvia Atestāts par vispārējo vidējo izglītību 7 out of 10
Laos Baccalaureate 11 diploma grade out of 20

Baccalauréat Libanais Général, General Secondary School Certificate,
Diplôme du Baccalauréat Technologique

11 out of 20 diploma grade or 252 out of 260 diploma grade

Libya General Secondary Education Certificate %70 Diploma grade
Liberia Secondary School Leaving Certificate/ Senior High School Certificate/ Upper
Secondary Certitifcate
%70 Diploma grade
Liechtenstein Matura/Maturitat/Maturitatzeugnis (Maturity Certificate) 3.5 out of 5
Lithuanian Brandos Atestates ( Certificate of Maturity) 6 out of 10
Luxembourg Certificat de Fin d'Etudes Secondaires %70 Diploma grade
Macedonia Svjedodzba o Zrelosti (Certificate of Maturity- Erettsegi bizonyitvony) 3.5 out of 5
Malaysia Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran
Malaysia(STPM) / Matriculation Certificate /Unified Examination Certificate
%70 Diploma grade
Malta Advanced Matriculation Certificate %70 Diploma grade

Malawi School Certificate of Education

6 subjects with min. 4 grade

Mali Baccalauréat

11 diploma grade out of 20

Mauritania Baccalaureat de l'Enseignement Secondaire 11 diploma grade out of 20

Cambridge Overseas School Certificate ya da Higher School Certificate

2 A levels with D grade
Madagascar Baccalaureat de 'Enseignement du Second Degre 11 diploma grade out of 20
Mexico Certificado de Bachillerato General Unico 6 out of 10
Moldova Atestat de Maturitate (Atestat de studii medii de cultura generala) 7 out of 10
Diploma de Bacalaureat
Mongolia Senior High School Diploma (Gerchilgee) %70 Diploma grade
Morocco Baccalaureat de l'Enseignement Secondaire 11 diploma grade out of 20
Mozambique Certificado de Habilitacao Literaria / Carta de Ensino Secundário 14 out of 20
Montenegro Svedocanstvo o Zavrsenoj Srednjem Vasptanju
Diploma o Zavrsenoj Srednjoj Skoli
3.5 out of 5

Basic Education High School Examination / Matriculation Examination

420 out of 600
Nepal Higher Secondary School Certificate %70 Diploma grade
New Zealand National Certificate Educational Achievement (NCEA 2) min. 3 out of 4 in 5 subjects ( 4 out of 5 subjects should be English, Math, Natural
sciences and social sciences )
Netherlands Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (VWO)
Hoger Algemeen Voortgezet Onderwijs (HAVO)
6 out of 10


11 diploma grade out of 20

Nigeria WAEC (West African Examination Council)/ WASSCE (West African Senior School
Certificate Examunation)
C in min. 6 subjects related to chosen
JAMB minimum 180 score
NECO C in min. 6 subjects related to chosen
Norway Norwegian Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate (Vitnemal fra den
Videregaende Skole)
4 out of 6
North Korea

Graduation Certificate from Secondary School

%70 Diploma grade
Oman Al Shahada-Al Thanawiyya Al-Amma %70 Diploma grade
Palestine Tawjihi %70 Diploma grade

Diploma de Bachiller

3.5 out of 5
Pakistan Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSSC) Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSSC) %70 diploma grade, Intermediate Certificate %70 (related to field))
Pakistan BTEC (Business and Technology Education Council) Level 3 (National Certificate), Level 3 (National Diploma), Level 3 (Extended Diploma)

Papua New Guinea

Grade 12 Higher School Certificate or Upper Secondary School Certificate

%70 diploma grade

Titulo de Bachillerato Cientifico veya Bachillerato

3.5 out of 5 or %70 diploma grade
Peru Certificado Oficial de Estudios 11 out of 20
Certificado de Educación Secundaria Común Completa (quinto)
Philippines High School Diploma (kurso sa sekundarya) %70 Diploma grade
Poland Swiadectwo Dojrzalosci ( Matura Examination) 4 out of 6
Portugal Diploma de estudos secundários 14 out of 20

General Secondary Education Certificate (Al-Shahada- Al Thanawiyya Al-Amma) ya da Qatar Senior School Certificate (QSSC)

%70 Diploma grade
Romania Romanian Diploma de Bacalaureat (Liceul teoretic) 7 out of 10
Russia Russian National Final School Exam – EGE
​Attestat o Srednem Obrazovanji (Certificate of General Secondary Education)
70 out of 100 for each subject, at least 3
subject related to chosen program
3.5 out of 5
Rwanda Secondary Education Advance level Examination Certificate %70 Diploma grade
San Marino Diplome de Maturita %70 Diploma grade
Saudi Arabia

General Secondary Education Certificate, General Aptitude Test (colloquially known as Qudrat) held by the National Center for Assessment in Higher Education (Qiyas) 

%70 Diploma grade
South Africa National Senior Certificate/ Senior Certificate %70 Diploma grade
South Korea

College Scholastic Aptitude Test (University Entrance Exam) ve Senior High School Diploma

500 out of 800, %70 diploma grade

Scotland Scottish Certificate of Secondary Education Min C grade in 5 Scottish Higher Level with
Math and Language as compulsory, min. B in
Scottish Qualifications Certificate
Senegal Bachalaureate 12 diploma grade out of 20
Serbia General Secondary Education Certificate (Diploma o Zavrsenoj Srednjoj Skoli) 3.5 out of 5
Sierra Leone West African School Certificate D in min. 6exam subjects related to chosen
Cambridge Overseas School Certificate 2 A-level results with lowest D grade

Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education (Advanced Level)

H2 level 2 subjects with min. C grade

Slovakia Vsyvedceni Maturitni Skuske (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) 3.5 out of 5
Slovenia Maturietno Skuska (matura) 3.5 out of 5

Somalia Ministry of Education, Culture, and Higher Education (MoECHE), School Association for Formal Education (SAFE), Formal Private Education Network in Somalia (FPENS), or Maarif Schools Secondary Certificate ya da Secondary School Leaving Certificate (Shahaadada Dugsiga Sare)

%70 Diploma grade

Somaliland Certificate of Secondary Education Examination

min. C grade or %70 diploma grade
Spain Título de Bachiller ( LOGSE) 6 out of 10
Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka General Certificate of Education - Advanced Levels

min. ABB for related program
Sudan Tawjihiyya %70 Diploma grade

Avgångsbetyg / Slutbetyg från Gymnasieskola (Upper secondary school leaving certificate) veya, Högskoleförberedande Examen (Higher Education Preparatory Diploma)

VG * Good OR %70 diploma grade
Switzerland Kantonale Maturitätszeugnisse\Eidgenössisches
Berufsmaturitätszeugnis\Maturitätszeugnis\Attestato di Maturitá
3.5 out of 5
Syria Al-Shahada-Al Thanawiyya/ Baccalauréat %70 Diploma grade
Taiwan Senior High School Diploma %70 Diploma grade
Tajikistan Attestat o Srednem Obrazovanji (Certificate of General Secondary Education) 3.5 out of 5

Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education (ACSE) ya da Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (ACSEE)

1 General Studies+3 Principal Studies,
minimum grade D / or min. 3 subjects with B or 2 grade
Thailand Matayom VI %70 Diploma grade


11 diploma grade out of 20

Tunisia Baccalauréat de l'enseignement secondaire 11 diploma grade out of 20
Turkey LYS
YOS Exam
Success ranking: 200.000
60 out of 80 - 70 out of 100
Turkmenistan Attestat o Srednem Obrazovanji 3.5 out of 5

Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE),
East African Advanced Certificate of Education or East African certificate

Minimum C grade from 5 subjects / A levels 2 out of 4 / 
Ukrainian Ukrainian External Independent Testing – ZNO min 150 out of 200 in every subjects, at
least 3 subjects.
Atestat pro povnu zagal'nu srednju osvitu/ Attestat o Srednem (Polnom) Obshchem
7 out of 12
USA General High School Certificate (12th Grade) %70 Diploma grade
United Arab
Shahadat al-Thanawiyah (Secondary School Certificate) %70 Diploma grade

Bachillerato (Baccalaureate)

7 out of 12
Uzbekistan Attestat o Srednem Obrazovanji (Certificate of General Secondary Education) 3.5 out of 5
Venezuela Bachillerato 14 out of 20 (Good)
Vietnam Giay Chung Nhan Pho Thong Trung Hoc (provisional certificate) + admissions exam
(Ky Thi Dai Hoc/Ky Thi Tuyen Vao Dai Hoc)
at least 7 out of 10 for each subject
Yemen İhtibar Vizari Sanevi Exam ( Secondary School Final Examination Result) %70 Diploma grade
Zaire Dipome d'Etat d'Etudes Secondaires du Cycle Long %70 Diploma grade
Zambia ZambiaSecondary School Certificate 6 subjects, min. C from 4 subjects
Zimbabwe Cambridge Overseas School Certificate (A level)
Zimbabwe General Certificate of Education
2 A-level results with
lowest D grade
 ZGCE Ordinary Level min. 5 C grades
Özyegin University (ÖzÜ) aims to be a globally recognized research university with accredited programs. Its strategic plan is based on the principle that internationalization improves teaching, research, social impact, and student experience.

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