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Who is Eligible?

Foreign students are admitted to the institutions of higher education in Turkey on condition that applicants fulfill the requirements for student admission determined by the relevant institution of higher education and approved by the Council of Higher Education.

Applicants who fulfill the following criteria will be considered as an international applicant:

  • Foreign students who are either high school graduates or are studying their last year in high school
  • Among natural born citizens of the Republic of Turkey, those who have abandoned their citizenship upon the approval of the Ministry of Interior Affairs, and those who hold the Official Document for The Use of Rights Granted by The Law No: 5203, which is issued for their children under the full legal age who are registered on the document that certifies the abandonment of Turkish citizenship
  • Students with dual nationality (Turkish or TRNC) who acquired, not inherited their Turkish/TRNC citizenship (Those with dual nationality, who were natural born citizens of a foreign country but later acquired the citizenship of the Republic of Turkey)
  • Turkish or TRNC citizenships and who complete their entire high school education abroad
  • Citizens of TRNC who have completed their entire high school in TRNC and have GCE AL results

Applicants who don't fulfill the following criteria can't apply as an international applicant:

  • Turkish citizens or TRNC citizens (except the students who have completed their entire high school in TRNC and have GCE A/L result),
  • Students with dual Turkish nationality (except the students who have completed their entire high school education abroad)
  • Students with dual nationality one of which is TRNC (except the students who have completed their entire high school in TRNC and have GCE A/L result),
  • Students with dual nationality or Turkish citizens who graduated from the mission, consulates or foreign schools in Turkey
  • Students expelled from a higher education institution in Turkey due to disciplinary action.

For larger picture please click on the diagram below.


Özyegin University (ÖzÜ) aims to be a globally recognized research university with accredited programs. Its strategic plan is based on the principle that internationalization improves teaching, research, social impact, and student experience.

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International Office

  • Özyeğin Üniversitesi Nişantepe Mah. Orman Sok. 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
  • (+90) 216 564 9000