Kabul Kriterleri
Ülke | Diploma - Sertifika - Sınav | Gerekli olan En Düşük Puan (Alınan dersler ya da sınavların başvurulan programla bağlantılı olması gereklidir.) |
Türkiye | Türkiye Lise Diploması | 70% |
Uluslararası | SAT Reasoning | Matematik bölümünde 800 üzerinden min. 600, ikisinin toplamında 1600 üzerinden 1000 (Matematik ve Eleştirel Okuma) |
SAT 2 Math | 800 üzerinden min. 600 | |
Genel Lise Diploması | %70 | |
ACT (American College Testing) | 36 üzerinden 23 | |
GCE (General Certificate Education) | A level (İleri Seviye):ilgili alanda en az iki dersten en az D notu | |
IB (Uluslararası Baccalaurate) | Diploma notu 45 üzerinden 28 | |
AP (Advanced Placement) | En az 2 konudan 5 üzerinden min. 3.5 | |
Uluslararası High School Graduation | %70 Diploma notu | |
European Baccalaureate | %70 Diploma notu | |
Uluslararası Bilim Olimpiyatları | TUBİTAK tarafından düzenlenen bilim olimpiyatlarında bronz madalya sahibi olmak | |
French Baccalaureate (Baccalauréat Général) | Diploma notu 20 üzerinden 11 | |
Attestat | %70 Diploma notu | |
Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) (Antiguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Belize, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Montserrat, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago, Turks and Caicos Islands) |
En az 2 Konu'da tamamlanmış 2 Ünite, minimum I-IV genel notu |
Batı Avrupa Açık Öğretim Lisesi (West European High School Program) |
%70 Diploma notu | |
ABD | General High School Certificate (12th Grade) | %70 Diploma notu |
Afghanistan | National University Entrance Exam of Afghanistan (Concours-KONKURS) |
350 üzerinden 245 |
12 Grade Graduation Certificate/ Baccalauria (Doreyeh Aali) | %70 Diploma notu | |
Afrika Cumhuriyeti | Baccalaureat de l'Enseignement Secondaire | Diploma notu 20 üzerinden 11 |
Almanya | Abitur * Zeugnis Der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife (Certificate of General Qualification for Higher Education) | 5 üzerinden 4 |
Zeugnis der Fachhochschulreife (Fachabitur) | ||
Andora | Baccalaureat de l'Enseignement Secondaire/Bachillerato Superior General |
Diploma notu 20 üzerinden 11 |
Angola | Diploma de Ensino Pre Universitario / Carta do Curso Complementar Liceus/Habilitacoes Literarias |
20 üzerinden 14 |
Arjantin | Titulo de Bachiller | 10 üzerinden 6 |
Arnavutluk | Diploma e Pjekurise (Secondary School Leaving Certificate/Certificate of Maturity) |
Her bölümden 10 üzerinden en az 6 |
Avustralya | 12th Grade Secondary School Graduation Certiticate (Australian Capital Territory/ ACT Year 12 Certificate-New South Wales: Higher School Certificate/ HSC and Record of Achievement-Northern Territory Certificate of Education/ NTCE and Record of Achievement-Queensland: Senior Certificate-South Australian Certificate of Education/SACE and Record of Achievemen-Victorian Certificate of Education/VCE and Statement of Results | %70 Diploma notu (C) |
Avusturya | Maturazeugnis/Matura/Reifeprufungszeugnis /Abschlusszeugnis from a Fachschule (with at least 4 years of full time study) |
5 üzerinden 3.5 |
Azerbaycan | Atestatt | 5 üzerinden 3.5 |
Azerbaijan National Test (TQDK) | İlgili alandan en az 700 üzerinden 400. * Bölüm I Mühendislik Fakültesi/Bölüm II İİBF ve Sosyal Bilimler/Bölüm III Hukuk |
Bahreyn | Tawjihiyya | %70 Diploma notu |
Bangladeş |
Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSC) ve HigherSecondary School Certificate (HSSC) |
%70 Diploma notu |
Belçika | Diploma Van Hoger Secundair Onderwijs | %70 Diploma notu |
Benin | Baccalaureat | Diploma notu 20 üzerinden 11 |
Beyaz Rusya | Atestat ( Secondary School Graduation Certificate) | 10 üzerinden 6 |
Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri | Shahadat al-Thanawiyah (Secondary School Certificate) | %70 Diploma notu |
Bolivya | Bachillerato Humanistico | 7 üzerinden 5 |
Bosna Hersek | Matura (Svjedozba o maturi) | 5 üzerinden 3.5 |
Botsvana | Botswana General Certificate of Secondary Education | 4 konudan en az C |
Cambridge Overseas Higher School Certificate - A level | A level (İleri Seviye): Programla ilgili seçilen en az 2 dersten en az D | |
Brezilya |
Certificado de Ensino Médio veya Vestibular Sınavları |
%70 Diploma notu |
Bulgaristan | Diploma za Sredno Obrazovanie- Vocational and academic stream ( Senior High School Graduation) /Matura | %70 Diploma notu ya da 6 üzerinden 4 |
Burkina Faso | Baccalaureat/Diplome de Bachelier de l'Enseigniment du Second Degre/Baccalaureat Technique/Diplome de Bachiller de Technicien |
Diploma notu 20 üzerinden 11 |
Burma | General Certificate of Secondary Education | %70 Diploma notu |
Burundi | Burundi Diplôme des Humanites Complètes Relevé de notes/Diplôme ďEtat (State Diploma) |
%70 Diploma notu |
Butan | Indian School Certificate Exam (monitored by India ) OR Bhutan Higher School Certificate Exams |
%70 Diploma notu |
Cezayir | Baccalauréat Generel/Baccalauréat de l'Enseignement Secondaire (Diploma Of Baccalaureate of Secondary Education) |
Diploma notu 20 üzerinden 11 |
Cibuti | Baccalaureat de l'Enseignement Secondaire | Diploma notu 20 üzerinden 11 |
Çad | Baccalaureat de l'Enseignement Supérieur (Baccalaureat de l'Enseignement Secondaire) |
Diploma notu 20 üzerinden 11 |
Çek Cumhuriyeti | Vysvedceni o maturitni zkousce taken after Vysvedceni o maturitní zkousce exam (Maturita from gymnazium) | 5 üzerinden 3.5 |
Çin | Gaokoa | 700 üzerinden 450 |
Secondary School Graduation Certificate | %70 Diploma notu | |
Danimarka | Studentereksamenbevis (STX)/ Bevis for Højere Forberedelseseksamen (HF) |
13 üzerinden 7 |
Demokratik Kongo |
Examen d'Etat (State Examination) and Diplôme d'Etat d'Etudes Secondaires du Cycle Long |
%70 Diploma notu |
Dominik Cumhuriyeti | Diploma Título de Bachiller General | %70 Diploma notu |
Ekvator | Bachillerato Título de Bachiller en Arte Ciencias/ Bachillerato Título de Bachiller |
10 üzerinden 8 |
Endonezya | UAN (Ujian Akhir Nasional) / Ujian Nasional ve Ijazah - Sekolah Menengah Atas/Madrasah Aliyah (SMA/MA) (Certificate of Graduation from Academic/Islamic Secondary School) | %70 Diploma notu |
Eritre |
Eritrean Secondary Education Certificate |
%70 Diploma notu |
Ermenistan | Atestat Mijnakard Yndhanur Krtutyan/Attestat o Srednem Obrazovanji (Certificate of Secondary General Education) | 20 üzerinden 12/ 10 üzerinden 6 |
Estonya | Gümnaasiumi Lõputunnistus | 5 üzerinden 3.5 |
Eswatini |
Eswatini General Certificate of Secondary Education (EGCSE) veya Swaziland General Certificate of Secondary Education (SGCSE) |
En az 4 konudan minimum C |
Etiyopya | Ethiopian Higher Education Entrance Examination | %70 Diploma notu |
Fas | Baccalaureat de l'Enseignement Secondaire | Diploma notu 20 üzerinden 11 |
Fil Dişi Sahilleri |
Baccalaureat de l'Enseignement Secondaire |
Diploma notu 20 üzerinden 11 |
Filipinler | High School Diploma (kurso sa sekundarya) | %70 Diploma notu |
Filistin | Tawjihi | %70 Diploma notu |
Finlandiya |
Ylioppilastutkintotodistus/Studenteksamenbevis/Studenteksamenbet yg (Certificate of the Matriculation Examination) |
7 üzerinden 4 |
Gabon |
Gabon Baccalauréat Relevé de notes |
20 üzerinden 12 |
Gambiya | West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) |
Programla ilgili seçilen en az 6 konudan D |
Gana | West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) |
Programla ilgili seçilen en az 6 konudan D |
Gine | Baccalaureat | Diploma notu 20 üzerinden 11 |
Gine-Bissau | Segundo Ano De Curso Complementar | Diploma notu 20 üzerinden 11 |
Guatemala | Diploma de Bachiller en Ciencias y Letras | %70 Diploma notu |
Guyana |
GCE (General Certificate Education) A Levels |
Minimum 2 dersten D notu ile A level sonucu |
Güney Afrika | National Senior Certificate/ Senior Certificate | %70 Diploma notu |
Güney Kore | College Scholastic Aptitude Test (University Entrance Exam ) |
800 üzerinden 500 |
Senior High School Diploma | %70 Diploma notu | |
Gürcistan | Sashualo Skolis Atestati/ Attestat o Srednem Obrazovanii | 10 üzerinden 6 |
Haiti |
Baccalauréat veya Diplome D'Etudes Secondaries |
%70 Diploma notu |
Hırvatistan |
Svjedodzba o Zrelosti (Certificate of Maturity) veya Svjedodžba održavnoj maturi (Certificate of State Maturity) |
5 üzerinden 3.5 |
Hindistan | All India Senior School Certificate (AISSC) / ll India Senior School Certificate / Central Board of Secondary Education, 12th Grade / Higher Secondary Certificate (arts or science) after Standard XII (12th Grade) OR Indian School Certificate Intermediate Certificate / Pre-Degree Certificate / Pre-Professional Certificate (Pre-Dental, Pre-Engineering, Pre-Agriculture ) / Pre-University Certificate earned after Standard XII (12th grade) |
%70 Diploma notu |
Hollanda | Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (VWO) / Hoger Algemeen Voortgezet Onderwijs (HAVO) |
10 üzerinden 6 |
Honduras | Bachillerato Titulo de Bachiller en Ciencias y Letras | 10 üzerinden 6 or %70 Diploma notu |
Hong Kong | Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE) + Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination (HKALE) | 3 konudan en az B ya da 6 konudan C (Matematik ve İngilizce zorunlu konular) |
İrak |
Merkezi Lise Bitirme Sınavı (General Secondary Education Certificate) (El Aledadiyah) veya Lise Bitirme Sınavı veya Lise Bitirme Sertifikası (Secondary School Certificate) |
%70 Diploma notu |
İran | Diplome Debirestan ve Pişdaneşgahi | Diploma notu 20 üzerinden 14 |
İrlanda | Honours Leaving Certificate / Leaving Certificate / Matriculation Certificate |
%70 Diploma notu |
İskoçya | Scottish Certificate of Secondary Education | Mathematik ve Dil dersleri zorunlu olmak üzere en 5 dersten C notu |
Scottish Qualifications Certificate | ||
İspanya | Título de Bachiller ( LOGSE) | 10 üzerinden 6 |
İsrail | Te'udat Bagrut | 10 üzerinden 7 or 70 out of 100 |
İsveç |
Avgångsbetyg / Slutbetyg från Gymnasieskola (Upper secondary school leaving certificate) veya, Högskoleförberedande Examen (Higher Education Preparatory Diploma) |
VG * İyi veya %70 diploma notu |
İsviçre | Kantonale Maturitätszeugnisse\Eidgenössisches Berufsmaturitätszeugnis\Maturitätszeugnis\Attestato di Maturitá |
5 üzerinden 3.5 |
İtalya | Maturita (Maturity Certificate) from a LICEO CLASSICO (classical lyceum)/ a LICEO SCIENTIFICO (scientific lyceum). Esame di Stato conclusivo dei corsi di studio di istruzione secondaria superior. | %70 Diploma notu |
İzlanda | Stúdentspróf | 10 üzerinden 6 |
Japonya | Kotogakko Sotsugyon Shomeishe (Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate) |
5 üzerinden 3 |
Kamboçya | Baccalauréat de l'Enseignement Secondaire | Diploma notu 20 üzerinden 10 |
Kamerun | Baccalauréat de l'Enseignement Secondaire General Certificate of Education, Advanced Level |
Diploma notu 20 üzerinden 11 or 2A levels min D grade |
Kanada | Canada Provincial 12th Grade High School Graduation Diploma |
%70 Diploma notu |
Quebec 11th grade high school graduation and at least two years of pre-university education |
%70 Diploma notu | |
Karadağ | Svedocanstvo o Zavrsenoj Srednjem Vasptanju | 5 üzerinden 3.5 |
Diploma o Zavrsenoj Srednjoj Skoli | ||
Katar |
General Secondary Education Certificate (Al-Shahada- Al Thanawiyya Al-Amma) ya da Qatar Senior School Certificate (QSSC) |
%70 Diploma notu |
Kazakistan | Kazakhstan National University Test | 140 üzerinden 100 |
Attestat o Srednem Obrazovanji (Certificate of General Secondary Education) |
5 üzerinden 3 | |
Kenya | East African Certificate of Education / Kenya Certificate of Education (KCE) / Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) / East African School Certificate / Cambridge General Certificate of Education/ Cambridge School Certificate |
Programla ilgili seçilen en az 4 konudan en az C |
Kırgızistan | Kyrgyzstan National Scholarship Test | 250 üzerinden 175 |
Attestat o Srednem Obrazovanji (Certificate of General Secondary Education) |
5 üzerinden 3.5 | |
Kolombiya |
Excamen de Estato/Saber 11º, Bachiller Académico, Decreto 1290 |
Puesto notu 1000 üzerinden maksimum 300, Puntaje notu 100 üzerinden minimum 70, Minimum %80 diploma başarı oranı* veya Minimum Desempeno |
Kongo | Baccalaureat de l'Enseignement Secondaire | Diploma notu 20 üzerinden 11 |
Kosova | Diplome per kryerjen e shkolles se mesme te pergjithshme – gjimnazin/ |
5 üzerinden 3.5 |
Diplome per kryerjen e shkolles se mesme te larte – gjimnazin |
Kuveyt | Shahadat-al-thanawia-al-a'ama | %70 Diploma notu |
Kuzey Kore | Graduation Certificate from Secondary School | %70 Diploma notu |
Küba | Título de Bachiller Certificado de Fin de Estudios Secundarias |
%70 Diploma notu |
Laos | Baccalaureate | Diploma notu 20 üzerinden 11 |
Letonya | Atestāts par vispārējo vidējo izglītību | 10 üzerinden 7 |
Liberya | Secondary School Leaving Certificate/ Senior High School Certificate/ Upper Secondary Certitifcate |
%70 Diploma notu |
Libya | General Secondary Education Certificate | %70 Diploma notu |
Lihtenştayn | Matura/Maturitat/Maturitatzeugnis (Maturity Certificate) | 5 üzerinden 3.5 |
Litvanya | Brandos Atestates ( Certificate of Maturity) | 10 üzerinden 6 |
Lübnan | Baccalauréat Libanais Général Diplôme du Baccalauréat Technologique |
Diploma notu 20 üzerinden 11 / 360 üzerinden 252 / |
Lüksemburg | Certificat de Fin d'Etudes Secondaires | %70 Diploma notu |
Macaristan | Erettsegi Bizonyitvany (Maturity Certificate) | 5 üzerinden 3.5 |
Madagaskar | Baccalaureat de 'Enseignement du Second Degre | Diploma notu 20 üzerinden 11 |
Makedonya | Svjedodzba o Zrelosti (Certificate of Maturity- Erettsegi bizonyitvony) |
5 üzerinden 3.5 |
Malawi |
Malawi School Certificate of Education |
En az 6 konudan minimum 4 notu |
Malezya | Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia (STPM) / Matriculation Certificate / Unified Examination Certificate |
%70 Diploma notu |
Mali |
Mali Baccalauréat |
Diploma notu 20 üzerinden 11 |
Malta | Advanced Matriculation Certificate | %70 Diploma notu |
Mauritius |
Cambridge Overseas School Certificate ya da Higher School Certificate |
Minimum D notlu 2 A level |
Meksika | Certificado de Bachillerato General Unico | 10 üzerinden 6 |
Mısır | Thanaweya A'ama | %70 Diploma notu |
Moldova | Atestat de Maturitate (Atestat de studii medii de cultura generala) |
10 üzerinden 7 |
Diploma de Bacalaureat | ||
Moğolistan | Senior High School Diploma (Gerchilgee) | %70 Diploma notu |
Moritanya | Baccalaureat de l'Enseignement Secondaire | Diploma notu 20 üzerinden 11 |
Mozambik | Certificado de Habilitacao Literaria / Carta de Ensino Secundário |
20 üzerinden 14 |
Myanmar |
Basic Education High School Examination / Matriculation Examination |
600 üzerinden minimum 420 |
Nepal | Higher Secondary School Certificate | %70 Diploma notu |
Nijer |
Baccalauréat |
20 üzerinden minimum 11 diploma notu |
Nijerya | WAEC (West African Examination Council)/ WASSCE (West African Senior School Certificate Examunation) | WAEC/WASSCE: programla ilgili seçilen en az 6 konudan C |
JAMB | minimum 180 | |
NECO (National Examination Council) | programla ilgili seçilen en az 6 konudan C | |
Norveç | Norwegian Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate (Vitnemal fra den Videregaende Skole) |
6 üzerinden 4 |
Orta Afrika Cumhuriyeti |
Baccalauréat |
20 üzerinden minimum 11 diploma notu |
Özbekistan | Attestat o Srednem Obrazovanji (Certificate of General Secondary Education) |
5 üzerinden 3.5 |
Pakistan | Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSSC) | Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSSC) %70 diploma notu, Intermediate Certificate %70(Alınan dersler ya da sınavların başvurulan programla bağlantılı olması gereklidir.) |
Pakistan | BTEC (Business and Technology Education Council) | Level 3 (National Certificate), Level 3 (National Diploma), Level 3 (Extended Diploma) |
Panama |
Diploma de Bachiller |
5 üzerinden minimum 3.5 diploma notu |
Papua Yeni Gine |
Grade 12 Higher School Certificate veya Upper Secondary School Certificate |
%70 Diploma notu |
Paraguay |
Titulo de Bachillerato Cientifico veya Bachillerato |
5 üzerinden minimum 3.5 diploma notu veya minimum %70 başarı oranı |
Peru | Certificado Oficial de Estudios | Diploma notu 20 üzerinden 11 |
Certificado de Educación Secundaria Común Completa (quinto) |
Polonya | Swiadectwo Dojrzalosci ( Matura Examination) | 6 üzerinden 4 |
Portekiz | Diploma de estudos secundários | 20 üzerinden 14 |
Romanya | Romanian Diploma de Bacalaureat (Liceul teoretic) | 10 üzerinden 7 |
Ruanda | Secondary Education Advance level Examination Certificate | %70 Diploma notu |
Rusya | Russian National Final School Exam – EGE | programla ilgili seçilen en az 3 konudan, 100 üzerinden 70 |
Attestat o Srednem Obrazovanji (Certificate of General Secondary Education) |
5 üzerinden 3.5 | |
San Marino | Diplome de Maturita | %70 Diploma notu |
Senegal | Bachalaureate | Diploma notu 20 üzerinden 12 |
Sırbistan | General Secondary Education Certificate (Diploma o Zavrsenoj Srednjoj Skoli) |
5 üzerinden 3.5 |
Singapur |
Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education (Advanced Level) |
H2 seviyesinde iki dersten en az C notu ile başarılı olmak |
Sierra Leone | West African School Certificate | Seçilen programla ilgili 6 konudan en az D |
Cambridge Overseas School Certificate | A level düzeyinde en az 2 dersten minimum D notu |
Slovakya | Vsyvedceni Maturitni Skuske (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) |
5 üzerinden 3.5 |
Slovenya | Maturietno Skuska (matura) | 5 üzerinden 3.5 |
Somali | Secondary School Leaving Certificate | %70 Diploma notu |
Sri Lanka |
Sri Lanka General Certificate of Education - Advanced Levels |
Başvurulan programla ilgili üç konudan en az ABB. |
Somali Land |
Somaliland Certificate of Secondary Education Examination |
Minimum C+ notu ya da Minimum %70 başarı oranı |
Sudan |
Sudan School Certificate |
%70 Diploma notu |
Suriye | Al-Shahada-Al Thanawiyya/ Baccalauréat | %70 Diploma notu |
Suudi Arabistan | Tawjihiyya | %70 Diploma notu |
Şili | Licencia de Educación Media | 7 üzerinden 5 |
Tacikistan | Attestat o Srednem Obrazovanji (Certificate of General Secondary Education) |
5 üzerinden 3.5 |
Tanzanya |
Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education (ACSE) ya da Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (ACSEE) |
1 Genel Araştırma + 3 Esas Araştırma, en az D ya da En az 3 konudan minimum B veya 2 notu |
Tayland | Matayom VI | %70 Diploma notu |
Tayvan | Senior High School Diploma | %70 Diploma notu |
Togo |
Baccalauréat |
20 üzerinden minimum 11 diploma notu |
Tunus | Baccalauréat de l'enseignement secondaire | Diploma notu 20 üzerinden 11 |
Türkiye | LYS | Başarı Sıralaması:200,000 |
YOS Exam | 80 üzerinden 60/100 üzerinden 70 | |
YGS | 180 | |
Türkmenistan | Attestat o Srednem Obrazovanji | 5 üzerinden 3.5 |
Uganda | Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE), Cambridge Overseas Higher School Certificate and East African Advanced Certificate of Education OR East African certificate |
5 konudan en az C /A - Seviyeden 4 üzerinden en az 2/AS - Seviyeden en az D |
Ukrayna |
Atestat pro povnu zagal'nu srednju osvitu/ Attestat o Ukrainian External Independent Testing – ZNO |
12 üzerinden 7
her konudan en az 200 üzerinden 150, en az 3 konu |
Umman | Al Shahada-Al Thanawiyya Al-Amma | %70 Diploma notu |
Ürdün | Tawjihi |
Tawjihi %70 |
Venezuela | Bachillerato | 20 üzerinden 14 |
Vietnam | Giay Chung Nhan Pho Thong Trung Hoc (provisional certificate) + admissions exam (Ky Thi Dai Hoc/Ky Thi Tuyen Vao Dai Hoc) |
Her konudan en az 10 üzerinden 7 |
Yemen |
İhtibar Vizari Sanevi Exam, General Secondary Education Certificate |
%70 Diploma notu |
Yeni Zelanda | National Certificate Educational Achievement (NCEA 2) | 5 konudan en az 4 üzerinden 3 (5 konudan 4 tanesi İngilicze, matematik, doğal bilimler ve sosyal bilimler olabilir ) |
Yunanistan | Apolitírio Enaíou Lykeíou | 20 üzerinden 14 |
Zaire | Dipome d'Etat d'Etudes Secondaires du Cycle Long | %70 Diploma notu |
Zambiya | Zambia Secondary School Certificate | 6 konu, 4 konudan en az C |
Zimbabve | Cambridge Overseas School Certificate (A level) |
A düzeyinde en az 2 dersten minimum D notu, ZGCE Ordinary Level’dan minimum 5 tane C notu |